Tuesday, November 27, 2012


Please post your Big 6 topic as a comment below. Along with your general topic, please describe your topic:
- Why is this such an important issue to the world?
- Why is this such an important issue to you?
You have until the end of class Wednesday to make your post.

Happy Researching!


  1. My topic for Big6 is the palmoil crisis. Because palm oil is in big demand companies are needing to cut down more and more trees. Those trees, however, are planted in orangutan's habitat. So all over the tropics orangutans are being left without a home and are dying. I care about animals and the enviroment and I don't want orangutans to go away.

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  3. My topic is the fact that women all across the globe deserve equal rights.
    -Women's Rights are an important issue to the world because everyone should deserve equality in the world, especially women because they make up an extremely large amount of the worlds population.
    -Women's Rights are an important issue to me because at this day in age it's completely ignorant for women to not have equality that every other man has the opportunity to have. I also feel I have strong enough feelings for the topic to the point where I could write and create a good presentation.

  4. I too am doing women's rights. I, however, am focusing more on in the workplace and socially than taking about birth control or health care.
    -Women equality in the workplace is an important issue in the world because women are equally as important as men. Plus, it's 2012! And haven't we learned from the suffragists?
    -It's important to me because I am entering the workplace in a few years and I deserve to be treated fairly. Even though President Obama signed the Lilly Ledbetter Act, women are still not respected in the workplace.

  5. My topic is human trafficking and slavery
    -people are being forced to work and other forced actions against their will
    -this is important to me because last year this was my topic but I didn't really go in detail with it and that's what I want to do now

  6. I will be researching the use of pesticides and other chemicals on produce and how it affects consumers in the U.S. This is an incredibly important topic to me for many reasons. First, I worry about the food my kids consume, particularly considering how young they are. I want to know that I am giving them the healthiest possible food. Also, I love to cook and eat myself, so I am always considering the cost and health of food. Organic food is unquestionably healhtier for us, but it is far more expensive than non-organic food. I see this as a huge problem that most likely starts at a government level and how the FDA labels food.

  7. My topic is energy conservation.
    -This is important to the world because if poeple aren't able to save energy then we might run out of it eventually.
    -If I have kids, I would want my kids to have energy too.

  8. My topic is nuclear energy. It could play an important role in our future by being a replacement for fossil fuels. I believe that the US should invest in nuclear energy.

  9. Jospeh Kony's LRA
    -A person that kills and manipulates should not be in change of a country or army
    -it causes unneeded death and harm

  10. My topic is Religion vs. Society, Media, and State
    In the world, mainly the United States, there is freedom of religion, or so there supposedly is.
    It is important to me because people say that there is a differentiation between church and state, along with other things, even though it becomes present in these places.

  11. My topic is loss of Religion in younger generations.
    -This issue is important to the world because religion is the back bone of this nation.
    -This is importanat to me because religiion has always been a big part of my life.

    1. I would like to revise my topic to the loss of religion in general, not just the younger generations.

  12. The issue I'm doing is Wildlife smuggling. This is an important issue to the world because endangered animals are getting killed for their body parts. SThe body parts are then sold in the black market. This is an important issue to me because I believe animals shouldn't be killed for their body parts. It's just plain wrong and it's killing a lot of animals.

  13. The topic I am doing is police misconduct and the use of excessive force. This affects the entire world because people don't deserve to be mistreated just because of their race or ethnicity.

    1. I am also going to be writing about how racial profiling affects the decisions police make to use lethal actions.

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  16. My topic is renewable energy. This is an important issue to the world because we have an increasing problem with fossil fuels. They are polluting the planet, and causing global warming. This is an important issue to me because I believe clean energy is the right path for us to take to save the planet.

  17. my topic is over medication-
    people can die or get other illnesses(especially children) from being perscribed to many drugs
    We also are lessening the strength of our medicines by overuse

  18. My topic is depression. I choose this topic because a lot of people have depression and it goes un talked about. I think that it should be brought out and not in the "dark"

  19. My topic is deforestation. It's such an important issue to the world because the forest is what gives us air and water purification, makes rain and helps in the creation of medicines and fuel. Deforestation is important to me because of how it's such a large contribute to endangering species, such as jaguars.

  20. For real though, I'm writing about hunger in the U.S. This is impotrant top the world becasue people die from hunger every day. It equals death. I'ts important to me because I'm always hungry and hate being hungry... So why should others be hungry also? I like to help others have food to eat and keep them healthy. I* don't want to see others hungry.

    1. I think I may broaden my topic to world hunger also, or at least put some facts about world hunger, i.e. statistics and potentially compare them to those of just the U.S.

  21. I am going to write about Human Trafficking and Slavery. I think it's still a large issue in many parts of the world, and it needs to end.


  22. My topic is overpopulation in the US, particularly in the big cities. It greatly affects the amount of resources available. Overpopulation is important to me because I want to be able to live for a while with all of the resources, and not be crammed with a bunch of other people.

  23. My topic is censorship on the internet. In society today, we are getting more and more ways to access the internet through our computers and mobile devices so I think people should know just how the internet is censored and how it is not. They should know if information is being kept from them. It's important to me because I don't know much about this topic, but I want to learn more because I use the internet a lot.

  24. My topic is censorship on the internet. this is an imporntant issue for the world because we aren't getting all the information that we have the right to know. Also this is important to me because i think it is crucial that we know about the real problems in our country and around the world. -Ava

  25. My topic is going to be depression.
    -Depression is a problem in todays society yet many people dont see it as an actual problem
    -its important to me because i know people who are living with depression

  26. My topic is the extreme alteration of the Earth's climate. This is very important to the World, because a 1 degree shift in the climate could change the face of the Earth. This is an important issue to me because the rising temperatures are slowly evaporating the oceans around the world, and the sea level is decreasing by millions of gallons of water. There will not be enough water to hydrate the population. I want to learn more about this topic.

  27. I chose teen suicide for my topic.
    -Many many people die from it everyday
    -It's important to me because I feel like not many people are doing anything about it

  28. My topic is aid to developing countries. This is a growing global issue because of the shortfall of aid that was promised. The aid provides programs that help to reduce poverty, enhance health, and limit affects of sexually transmited diseases. It is important to the lives of the people to recieve these programs.

  29. My topic is gun control. Obviously, one of the controversial topics of the election was this. If more gun laws are passed, with more regulation of how can own one then of course, in theory at least, the world will be safer. In the US, guns are more of a problem then all over the world. This isn't really such an important thing to me but I know once we all get older all of these things will affect us, especially those of us who choose to live in a city or more populated area where it's more of a problem.

  30. My topic is rape. (insert teenage boy feeling uncomfortable)
    I chose this topic because a lot of people find it a really awkward thing to talk about, when it shouldn't be because it's something really serious and important in both younger and older women and even men. I don't think we talk enough about it and prevention in our schools.

  31. My topic is stress placed on school children through homework and tests. This is important to me because I feel that students do worse with the excess of schoolwork, and American students need to do better.

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  33. My topic will be endangered animals and how it is important to do what we can to save them. This is important to the world because natural differentiation is very important to the worlds ecosystem. Also this is really important to me because extinction of animals does happen naturally, but extinction is now happening at an alarming rate.

  34. My topic is alcohol abuse. I chose this because it affects many people and most don't do much about it. Also people don't realize how serious the issue is and how dangerous it can really be.
