Thursday, March 14, 2013

Back to Big 6

Back to the Upstander Project!

Over the next 2 days we will be in the lab for you to have an opportunity to revisit your Big 6 topics. Next week we will watch each of your voice threads. After your voice thread is played, you will give us an "update" on your topic. Over the next two days you should look for the following:
1. New information that has popped up about your topic. Obviously, this might not apply to ALL the topics, but I think you'd be surprised. You will essentially give us an "update" on what's happening now with your topic since you finished your research.
2. Solutions that you are looking at - particularly something locally that might help your cause. It doesn't necessarily have to be in Riverside, but even something in the Midwest - an organization, blog, political group , etc., that is trying to help your topic.
3. Updates on where YOU stand with your issue - how do you see it unfolding in the future, and what can YOU do about it?!

Monday, March 11, 2013

Monday, March 11

First, finish up your papers today with where they're at - use the comments and suggestions your classmates gave you to touch up the papers, make your final edits, etc. I will begin grading the papers this evening, though I will be keeping in mind that these are drafts we will return to.

If/when you finish, spend some time with your Big 6/Voice Thread topic. I'd like you to look for organizations in the area, state, or nation that focus on helping the same issue you researched.

Happy Monday!!!

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Lit Crit!!!

Today, you are creating and sharing your google doc with me. Same process as always - create the doc, immediately change the title to "last name, period, lit crit", then share it with

For this paper, I DO want you to have a hard copy in class on Thursday. Once you finish typing, please print up TWO copies of your paper and have them in class with you on Thursday! It is very important that you have the papers in class so that you can participate in the lit circles we will do with these.

I will be reading/editing as you are typing today and tomorrow. If you have any specific questions, please don't hesitate to ask.

Happy Critting!
T Blizzardy