Monday, May 13, 2013

Monday, May 13

Please use your blog today to comment on the end of the book. In 2-3 paragraphs, discuss a topic of your choosing:
The death of McMurphy
Chief's "escape"
The reaction of the men on the ward
Is it a "happy ending" or a sad ending?
Something else???

As always, read and comment on 3 other blog posts.

Monday, May 6, 2013

Monday, May 6

Free Post today - discuss any topic, event, or motif you saw as being most important about Part 3 in Cuckoo's Nest...

Please post 2-3 paragraphs on your blog, then read and comment on 2 other posts.

Happy Monday!

Friday, April 26, 2013

Cuckoo, Part 2

There are a number of significant events in Part 2 of the novel. Tomorrow, we will have a group discussion of each of these. In your opinion, what is the most significant event of Part 2? Comment here and respond to your classmates' posts.

Events to consider:
Cheswick's apparent suicide
Nurse Ratched's insistence on keeping Mac on the ward
MacMurphy's sudden outbursts of violence against the nurse's station glass
Chief speaks
The men's confession that they are all "voluntary"
Something else?!

Each of these will be the focus of our conversation over the next 2 days in class...We've got a LOT to talk about :)

Happy posting!

Monday, April 15, 2013

Cuckoo's Nest Part 1

Good Morning!
On your blogs today, please write 2-3 paragraphs commenting on what you think is the most significant aspect of Part 1 in Cuckoo's Nest - is it a specific character? A conflict? Symbolilsm?

When you are finished, please read and comment on 3 of your classmates' thoughts...

Happy Monday!

Monday, April 8, 2013

Monday, April 8

Good Morning!
Today's blog discussion relates to chapter 5 in Cuckoo's Nest...At the end of chapter 5, McMurphy makes a bet with the other men on the ward. He bets that he can get under the skin of Nurse Ratchet before she can get under HIS skin.

In your opinion, why does he make this bet? Post 2-3 paragraphs, use references when necessary to support your points, and comment on other posts in the class...

Tonight, please read Chapter 6 - do the questions that follow. Tomorrow I will be checking in questions for Chapters 1-6 while we watch the beginning of the film.

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Tuesday, April 2

Welcome Back!!!
Today you have the opportunity to do a few things:
1. Do some research on 1950's mental institutions, psychiatric care, etc., Pay particular attention to Electro-Shock Therapy (EST) and lobotomization. THis is in preparation for starting One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest.
2. Make a post on your blog - article, video, etc,. that shows something you found and your reaction to the methods, procedures, etc.

Happy Tuesday!
(Only 39 days left...)

Thursday, March 14, 2013

Back to Big 6

Back to the Upstander Project!

Over the next 2 days we will be in the lab for you to have an opportunity to revisit your Big 6 topics. Next week we will watch each of your voice threads. After your voice thread is played, you will give us an "update" on your topic. Over the next two days you should look for the following:
1. New information that has popped up about your topic. Obviously, this might not apply to ALL the topics, but I think you'd be surprised. You will essentially give us an "update" on what's happening now with your topic since you finished your research.
2. Solutions that you are looking at - particularly something locally that might help your cause. It doesn't necessarily have to be in Riverside, but even something in the Midwest - an organization, blog, political group , etc., that is trying to help your topic.
3. Updates on where YOU stand with your issue - how do you see it unfolding in the future, and what can YOU do about it?!